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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I went to the Gym Yesterday!! Obviously. I was going to go first things in the morning bet I slept in a little bit, and Mayli had a Dr. appointment at 10:15, so I decided to wait until after that to go to the gym. I was nervous about how she would do at the gym because she had gotten a shot at the Dr's. She was soooo excited to see the girls at the gym. I am glad she is loving it more and more!

My workout was great! I did 30min on the elliptical and then my C25K training, which was the rest of my cardio. I was sooo nervous for this week of it because it seemed way more intense than previous weeks. I just made sure that I stretched really good because I didnt want anything to go wrong. I did a 5 minute warm up walk, and then two repetitions of: jog 90 seconds/ walk 90 seconds, then jog 3 minutes/ walk 3 minutes. ... I had to go through that twice! I was soo nervous. I seriously didn't think I was going to be able to make it. Honestly, I don't know if I've EVER run for 3 minutes straight. Pathetic, but true. The good news is, I DID IT!! I pushed through it and did it! I was sooo proud of myself for not quitting! It was hard, but it was also do-able and I didn't die. The wierd thing is, is that my ankles are really hurting. The first two weeks they didn't hurt at all but now they are. I hope it goes away.

In other news, I juiced for my little fam. We had it with our lunch. It was 2 celery, 2 carrotts, and 2 Apples. Colin and I thought it was sooo good....but so did Mayli! She loved it! I am excited to start eating better and having healthier options for my family! Cheers! here's to Skinny Ginny!

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