One pound at a time!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Monday, November 1, 2010

Today is the day!

Well today starts my new journey!!
Every monday I will do a weight check (being openly and candidly honest)....and then once a month I will do my stats.
Weight: 200.6 lbs....(like I said I am going to have to be honest)
Arms- Right: 12in
Left: 12.5in
Thighs- Right: 25.5in
Neck- 13.75in
Hips- 46.5in
Waist- 44in
Bust- 45in
* My short term goal is to work out 5 days this week for at least 60 minutes.
* Don't eat after 6:30pm
*My long term goal is to lose 20lbs (which is not all my weight I want to lose) by December 31st.
And now I am off to the gym!!!
(it is sooo hard to not eat all of the doughnuts my mom made last night!!! good thing I ate a good amount yesterday before I had to starrt this thing today!)


  1. good luck ginny! you can do it!!!!

  2. i know you can do it! you are awesome!!! and i will start posting on my blog again too. and we can cheer each other on!
