One pound at a time!

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Woot Woot!!

I had another assessment last night at the gym....well not a full on assessment, but a body fat% check. In 12 weeks I have gone down 4% body fat! I was happy with that. It's not a ton....but it's 4%. Awesome :) Let's see where we are in another 12 weeks!

Also- I am finishing up my TEAM weightloss class this Friday! I have really enjoyed it, and have made a couple of friends along the way. I would sign up for the class again, however I feel like i have established good habits and I could do the same work outs on my own. I have decided to graduate to the TEAM fitness class! I am SO STINKIN excited! I will encorporate weights. We will be strictly doing weights on mon and fri and then cardio on wed. I think it will teach me new habits and how to effectively encorporate weights into my work out routine! yahoo!!

Also- When I started working out i had 47 lbs to lose... I am now down to only having 29 lbs to lose!! That doesn't seem too far away.


  1. Nice job! 4% is a fantastic drop in body fat. I love figuring out how many pounds of fat I've lost. Keep up the good work.

  2. way to go gin! that is awesome!!!

  3. That's awesome! And thanks for the sweet comment! You aren't too far behind me :) Way to go! I'm so excited to see you rock the win, lose or blog competition!
